In recent years, various outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, land diving, skiing, cycling, etc. have become popular, and people are more enthusiastic about interacting with nature. Diversified outdoor activities have also combined their clothing needs with many sports scenes, and fashion trends and trends have developed different sports trends on this basis.
Whether it's the mountain style outfits that were suitable for camping and hiking in the past, or the popular outdoor functional style of Groupcore, urban outdoor sports style of Urbancore, as well as the Blokecore developed from football culture, Balletcore combined with ballet aesthetics, and so on, they have all emerged and become popular in the public eye. In short, the urban tennis style Courtcore is a refined and clean way of dressing up by incorporating casual and fashionable items from the tennis court into daily outfits.
For girls, the urban tennis style can be broken down into headbands, polo shirts, tennis skirts/pleated mini skirts, and small white shoes. The pleated mini skirt should be the soul of urban tennis style. You can pair it with a pure white polo shirt, white stockings, and white sneakers to create the most everyday and practical urban tennis style. If ordinary people want to keep up with this trend more easily, we can try choosing a classic fashion item to combine with our daily clothing.
Next, I will recommend some suitable items for everyone:
- BM style contrasting striped decorative scarf with printed heart embroidered badge hoodie (W1033N)
- Color blocking graffiti print patch POLO collar pure cotton T-shirt (C1638)
- American retro style backpack letter print Polo collar pure cotton hoodie (W993)
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